Friday, February 15, 2008

Strawberry Field Forever Story

In the autumn of 1966, John went to Spain after accepting the part of Gripweed in Dick Lester's film of How I Won The War. While relaxing on the beach at Almeria, John started to work on 'Strawberry Field Forever', a song he imagined as a slow-talking blues number. He completed it in a large house he was renting in nearby Santa Isabel.

It started out as a nostalgic view of a Salvation Army Orphanage in Woolton, where he , Pete Shotton and Ivan Vaughan used to play amongst the trees, and ended up, like so many of John's songs, as a rumination on states of consciousness. Strawberry Field was a large Victorian building with extensive wooded grounds in Beaconfield Road, a five-minutes walk from John's home in Menlove Avenue.

Because of this romantic associations, Strawberry Field became a symbol of his desire to be alone, of his feeling that he was somehow set apart from his contemporaries. If 'Strawberry Field Forever' is a song about John seeing the in a different way to everyone around him, the meaning is clearer in the earliest version of the lyric, where he wrote that no-one is on his wavelength, they're either 'too high or too low.'


Anonymous said...

kalo soal blogger2 dari pontianak, coba deh kunjungi

ciao :)

Anonymous said...

A comprehensive healthiness program tailored to an own wishes unquestionably pinpoint on one or more clear-cut skills, and on age-[3] or health-related needs such as bone health.[4] Many sources[citation needed] also cite mental, societal and nervous fettle as an significant vicinity of whole fitness. This is over presented in textbooks as a triangle made up of three points, which impersonate true, emotional, and psychotic fitness. Material good shape can also forestall or treat multifarious chronic salubrity conditions brought on by way of unhealthy lifestyle or aging.[5] Working discernible can also refrain from people forty winks better. To visit robust it is mighty to preoccupy in navy surgeon activity.

Specific or task-oriented [url=]fitness[/url] is a human being's gifts to perform in a specific activity with a tolerable expertness: seeking case, sports or military service. Spelled out training prepares athletes to appear as fully in their sports.

Examples are:

400 m sprint: in a sprint the athlete requirement be trained to work anaerobically throughout the race.
Marathon: in this specimen the athlete requirement be trained to work aerobically and their endurance requisite be built-up to a maximum.
Multifarious run a risk fighters and patrol officers subject oneself to typical fitness testing to draw if they are masterly of the physically taxing tasks required of the job.
Members of the Collective States Army and Army Native Guard necessity be masterly to pass the Army Palpable Fitness Check-up (APFT).