Saturday, January 5, 2008

For Liberty and Jusctice

(Following is an excerpt of Soekarno, first president of Indonesia, in Council for World Affairs, Los Angeles, April 21, 1961.)

Today, your nation is different and your leaders are different. The ideas you express are different. My nation too, is different. Therefore, as five years ago, once again I ask for the active sympathy and the active understanding of nation.
I do not plead for the sympathy and understanding. On the contrary, I hope to show that these things are in the interest of your nation, no less than the interest of my own nation. The idea of the interdependence of nations is today truism, but it is nevertheless a fact, and cannot be emphasized too often. Those nations like yours and mine, which seek a peaceful world in which man can rise to his full stature in liberty and harmony, those nations must understand and sympathies with each other.
It is of course true that the tactics we adopt in achieving our ideas may vary from nation. Even our strategy doesn't necessarily run on the same line. And yet we could most certainly agree on our international aims and ideals.
This is not surprising. Indeed all man who are free to raise their voices would agree with those aims.

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